A Certificate of Good Standing (CGS) is a certificate issued by Companies House. The CGS certifies the details of a UK registered company, including which jurisdiction it is registered in, and its existence since the date of its incorporation.

A CGS is usually required if you are planning to move your business abroad, conducting business internationally, or opening a business bank account abroad. Many foreign countries require the CGS in these instances as evidence of the structure and information of your UK registered company.

For any document that is to be used in a different country to where it is issued, it is usual for the country of use to require the document to be verified by a Notary Public.

A CGS can be applied for through Companies House. This can then be provided to the Notary so that it can be reviewed by them and they can confirm any further necessary steps or documentation required.

Additionally, if the CGS is intended for use in a non-English speaking country, a translation of the certificate may need to accompany it for use. I can assist with obtaining translations of documents where needed.

Depending n the requirement of the the foreign country the CGS can be notarised where it has been obtained by the notary. It may also need an Apostille, depending on whether its destination country is signed up to the Hague Apostille Convention. The Apostille will allow the foreign country to accept the CGS as a validly signed document. Failure to obtain it when needed may mean your CGS will be rejected for use. I am able to arrange the Apostille for a CGS when necessary together with notarisation (if required).

Some countries also require further legalisation at their Embassy in the UK.

If you need a Notary Public to provide authentication of your Certificate of Good Standing, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I am also able to provide a notarised/ apostilled CGS remotely (ie without requiring a face to face appointment) so can help wherever you are located.

Please contact me on 01244 470339 or at sara@notarychester.co.uk and I will be happy to provide you with a quote for your consideration.